Examinations offered

  • FDG (Glucose) PET is probably the most common PET examination and images the Glucose metabolism. This can be used to detect many cancer types which a very high precision, to plan treatments or to monitor their effects. Common cancer types for which FDG PET is used are lung cancer, malignant lymphoma, head and neck cancer, colorectal cancer, malignant melanoma or the so-called CUP-syndrome which means cancer of unknown primary. In addition, FDG PET can be used for location of inflammatory foci and in other cardiovascular questions as arteritis. Also, neurological disorders can be diagnosed by FDG PET as dementia or epileptogenic foci before surgery.

  • PSMA PET is and highly sensitive method to detect prostate carcinoma tissue. The radiopharmakon applied in this examination is binding with a high sensitivity to the prostate specific membrane antigen which is overexpressed in prostate carcinoma tissue. This makes this examination to be very effective in detecting even small locations of tumor tissues in case of biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer patients. In addition, it is an optimal tool for therapy planning and therapy monitoring in advanced prostate carcinoma patients including a potential radioligand therapy in our Department.

  • DOTATOC PET/CT is used for diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumors including medullary thyroid carcinoma but also meningiomas. The examination is used for primary diagnosis, also after surgery of a neuroendocrine tumor to check for residual tumor tissue. In addition, treatment planning (including radioligand therapy in our Department) and treatment monitoring is performed with DOTATOC PET. In addition, sarcoidosis may be detected as well, which is of special relevance in case of cardiac involvement.
  • Amyloid PET can be used to detect Amyloid plaques in the brain. The presence of such plaque is an important information for a neurologist in case of unclear cases or cases with a differential diagnosis of dementia.

  • F-DOPA PET is a special PET examination visualizing the dopamine receptor density and can be used either for special neurological questions as differential diagnosis in Parkinson syndrome. As several malignant tumor also overexpresses dopamine receptors this examination can also be used to detect and monitor such tumors, e.g. the medullary thyroid carcinoma.

    In addition, we have several special tracers which may be applied in individual cases or in context of clinical studies. If you have any questions concerning this, feel free to contact us.

    Examinations of the heart (e.g. in case of endocarditis or sarcoidosis) can be performed ECG-gated to get an even better image quality and to detect even smaller lesions. In addition, all examinations can be performed on a special radiation treatment table which allows positioning the patient in treatment position to make it easier for the radiation oncologist to use the PET for treatment planning. Laser targeting systems are available for this purpose as well.


Mo. - Fr.: 08:00 Uhr - 16:00 Uhr

Tel.: +49 (0)228 / 287 - 15181

Fax: +49 (0) 228 / 287-19096



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Tel.: 0228 / 287 - 15181

Fax: +49 (0) 228 / 287-19096


Die Anmeldung erfolgt im Haus 21 (Nuklearmedizin)



Notfallnummer der Nuklearmedizin:

0228 / 287 - 16855

Klinik und Poliklinik für Nuklearmedizin

Universitätsklinikum Bonn

Venusberg-Campus 1

A Gebäude 21

53127 Bonn


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